Karen Pack: Historian,
Speaker, Coach, celbrant.

You start loved.
UNPACKED International is the work of Dr Karen Pack (BA, M.Teach, M.Div. PhD, Cert IV Celebrancy), a historian, speaker, coach and celebrant from Sydney, Australia. For over twenty five years Karen has trained pastors, chaplains, leaders and teachers throughout Australia, North America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. She is the current President and Board Chair of Spiritual Care Australia.
Karen is passionate about creating safe leaders and safe spaces - especially for LGBTQIA+ people of faith - helping all people to know and understand that YOU start loved, just as you are.

Image courtesy of Henry Paul Photography
Karen is here to walk alongside leaders and communities navigating change and disruption. She is experienced in walking alongside faith leaders who are transitioning to new ways of living out their sense of purpose and calling. She particularly wants to help faith communities understand the impact of historical erasure, and why it's harmful to make people choose between their sexual or gender identity and their faith.
If you are interested in engaging Karen as a speaker, leadership/ministry coach, or celebrant, or if you have questions about faith and life, you are welcome to get in CONTACT.
You are loved exactly as you are, and there are places where you can find acceptance, peace and love.
Contact me at karen@un-packed.com.au